Brand Reputation

Every business can agree that a sterling brand reputation does wonders for both the customer base and the bottom line—but how can companies build a better rep by leveraging customer experience (CX) tools? Additionally, why are CX programs (especially those that drive Experience Improvement (XI)) ideal for building a reputation that your existing customers will love and that new customers will find enticing? Today we’re covering three quick ways a CX-driven brand reputation helps your business:

  1. Preserving the Base
  2. Creating Shared Identity
  3. Quickly Attracting New Business

Key #1: Preserving the Base

There’s no better way to retain your customers than through customer experience programs. Full stop. Advertising can be useful for keeping up a steady messaging drumbeat, but only a strong CX toolkit enables brands to continuously listen to customer preferences, identify broken touchpoints, and anticipate what those individuals will want from you next. Consistently applying these tools to gather intel, sharing that information across the organization, and taking united action on that intelligence will raise your profile among customers both new and old, effectively future-proofing your brand’s reputation.

Key #2: Creating Shared Identity

Tapping into customer preferences to create great products and services is essential, but it’s also important to understand who your customers are as human beings and not just as customers. Customers transact with the brands they feel share their values—an organization that can express desired values in its messaging, product offerings, and overall relationships will achieve sustainable success. Being known for serving customers well is one thing; being known for tuning into who customers are as people is another entirely.

Key #3: Quickly Attracting New Business

When a brand becomes known for delivering consistent experiences and values that customers connect to, new prospects will notice. CX programs’ unparalleled ability to deliver specific, actionable intelligence gives brands the chance to know, at a granular level, what will bring new customers to their doors. Again, advertising is important, but customer word-of-mouth following great experiences can be an even more effective way to acquire new business. That’s the power of CX-driven brand reputation in action.

What Comes Next?

We’ve briefly touched on how CX programs (especially Experience Improvement initiatives) are useful for capturing intelligence that improve your brand’s reputation. But which tools specifically should your brand utilize, and how? Click here to read my full-length Point of View article on the subject. I take a deep dive into the importance of a stellar CX reputation and how your business can achieve that same prestige efficiently. Thanks for reading!

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