It’s that time of year again! XI Forum Sydney and Singapore are back and this year, they’re jam-packed with hands-on demonstrations, workshops, and interactive opportunities to help you extract tangible value from our speakers, as well as gain applicable knowledge for your experience program. 

Here are five reasons why you should save your spot today:

Reason #1: Implement ‘Integrated CX’ for Your Brand

What is integrated CX? Not only is this the theme of our upcoming XI Forums, but it’s also Pearl-Plaza’s approach to help businesses take action on their customer experience initiatives to ultimately deliver measurable business outcomes. 

Integrated CX connects critical aspects of a successful customer experience, including:

  • Integrated Signals: Bringing together the voice of customers and not-yet customers across the full customer journey from surveys, chats, reviews, calls, etc.
  • Integrated Insights: Delivering both leading innovative technology and strategic expertise to deliver ROI
  • Integrated Action: The ultimate goal is to eliminate any and all silos that exist in many companies, facilitating a coordinated, data-driven approach to prioritising which action will get your business the best results

Discover what integrated signals, integrated insights, and integrated actions can do for your experience program.

Reason #2: Learn From Award-Winning Speakers

The 2023 speaker line up has been announced and the content is more practical than ever. Joining us on stage, we have:

  • Pearl-Plaza’s Chief Product Officer, Sandeep Garg taking delegates through how integrated CX applies to your experience program
  • Craveable Brand’s Chief Customer Officer, Jess Gill will share Oporto, Red Rooster, and Chicken Treat’s journey to shift their culture toward customer centricity and the wins they’ve had as a result. 
  • Downer New Zealand’s National Customer Experience and Marketing Manager, Scott Wilson and HR Business Partner, Jake Barker. Together, they will share how these two business units work together to make experiences better for both customers AND employees.  
  • Aesop’s Voice of the Customer Global Program Manager, Jason Katsambiris will take delegates through what it takes to run a global VoC program across different languages, cultures, and markets— designing a program that ingests and makes sense of linguistically dispersed customer signals to enable customer engagement at scale.
  • Fonterra’s VoC Program Manager, Roshena de Leon. Through embedding an integrated experience program, Roshena will share with delegates her experience driving CX collaboration across teams, using simple frameworks to drive sustainable change.
  • Commonwealth Super Corporation’s Customer Experience and Insights Manager, Katie Bogg, will host a workshop designed to give you hands-on experience on getting your program noticed from frontline employees, buy-in from C-suite executives, gaining momentum for customer-led initiatives, and anchoring your program around an elevator pitch for experience improvement success. 
  • legalsuper’s Data, Insights, and CX Manager, Eslam Affifi—after winning last year’s CX Award for using data to unlock customer insights, Eslam will help you understand the “why” behind your program, and the challenges that legalsuper overcame to build out its experience improvement program.
  • Pearl-Plaza’s Director of Experience Improvement, Josh Marans will teach delegates how Pearl-Plaza launched our own internal award-winning experience improvement program, and the mistakes you can avoid when launching yours.

Reason #3: Network With Your Peers

Network with 100+ senior CX practitioners from the region’s leading brands. That’s right—there will be plenty of opportunities to meet new people and create new connections throughout the day and learn from their unique experiences. 

Reason #4: The Conference Is More Practical Than Ever

XI Forum Sydney and Singapore have a reputation for being the most practical conference in the APAC region. The conference is designed to give you a behind-the-scenes look at some of Australia’s best performing experience programs, and take learnings from the experts to apply to your program from day one. You will discover CX resources, client stories, frameworks, and methodologies that will be revealed to delegates for the first time. 

Reason #5: We’re Coming to a City Near You! 

This year we’ve added another location to the XI Forum APAC tour—we’ll be visiting Sydney and Singapore! 

What are you waiting for? We would love to have you join us at one of these locations:

XI Forum Sydney: 15th March 2023

XI Forum Singapore: 24th March 2023

Any questions we didn’t answer here? Reach out to

customer experience speakers xi forum sydney

After 14 customer experience speakers, 250 delegates, two hands-on workshops, and hours of networking on the Sydney Harbour cruise, the 2022 Sydney XI Forum is done and dusted. That means it’s time to take what you’ve learned and start doing the work to elevate your experience program! 

We heard from award-winning customer experience speakers from some of Australia’s biggest brands—Craveable Brands, The NRMA, Rest Super, Foxtel, and JAX Tyres & Auto—not to mention two of Pearl-Plaza’s global leaders. The day was filled with practical tips that you can apply to your program from day one.

If you missed out on the event, don’t worry—here are five key takeaways you can use to apply to your experience program today! 

5 Pieces of Advice from Our Customer Experience Speakers

#1: Managing Experiences Is Not Enough—The Future Is Experience Improvement

Pearl-Plaza’s Global CMO, Kristi Knight, took us through the evolution of customer experience (CX). CX started out in the golden age of advertising, market research, and understanding consumers. Then, the internet was born, and online surveys were created to collect customer feedback in a timely manner. Next, we started managing experiences, and we recognised that the total experience a customer has is a collection of moments and interactions along their journey. The idea of simply “managing” metrics tells your business where you are and where you’ve been, not necessarily where you’re going. The future of CX is moving past managing experiences, to actually improving them through experience improvement

#2: Instead of Collecting More and More Data, Take Action On the Data Your Already Have

The CX industry has made big promises to brands; Essentially, if you listen to customers and act on that feedback, you’ll see results like loyalty, retention and other positive business outcomes. The XI Forum challenged our perspective on the traditional model of listening to feedback and collecting endless data. The ultimate goal for brands is to move beyond collecting operational and customer feedback, toward building differentiation from competitors, and ultimately designing and innovating new revenue streams and customer segments for the future. Make sure your CX platform is equipped to layer all types of feedback, whether that be direct (surveys) data, indirect data, or inferred (CRM) data.

#3: Make a Plan to Leverage AI in Your Experience Program

Like most industries, customer experience leaders are currently challenged to integrate AI into their programs to free up some of the manual tasks of improving experiences. If done correctly, AI can power your natural language understanding capabilities to show your business which actions to take to move the needle.  Ideally, every CX  platform should tell brands WHAT to do next.

To do that—survey data is not enough for AI to work properly, and there isn’t a robot sitting behind the platform making sense of your customer data and creating business insights for you. What you can do today is create bespoke AI models that will help make your platform smarter—for one, you can train your platform on what a churning customer looks like, and set up triggers to reach out to valuable clients when they are signaling dissatisfaction. 

#4: When It Comes to CX and the C-Suite, Optimise Your Dashboards

The C-Suite of any business is typically one of the most important stakeholders in your CX program. They need to be informed about what kind of CX initiatives are happening, where the CX problems are, and the plan to tackle them—AND they are extremely time poor. 

To solve this, optimise your C-Suite CX dashboards using these principles: 

  • Purpose: make the purpose of the dashboard crystal clear
  • Relevance: make sure each element of the dashboard will resonate with your audience, which may require bespoke configuration 
  • Engaging: these data visualisation on a C-Suite dashboard, should be simple and straightforward—take the guesswork out of convoluted charts and diagrams. Add branding, colours, and themes to make it visually appealing. 
  • Story: create and place the widgets in isolation and then decide the consumable order—the ultimate goal should be an overarching CX story that your C-Suite can easily understand 

#5: Level Up Your Experience Program by Marrying Together Multiple Voices

In the last keynote of the day, the CEO of JAX Tyres & Auto, Steve Grossrieder, described how their business is layering together voice of customer, voice of employees, and even voice of franchisees for a complete view of the customer journey. In doing so, the entire culture of the business is focused on the customer. For true customer centricity, it might be time for your brand to consider adding in another data set to further understand your employees, franchisees, partners, or other stakeholders.

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