Case Study

How nib New Zealand reduced churn by 6 percent through embedding experience management

The healthcare industry is changing rapidly, and leading providers are answering the call to adapt to those changes. nib is a health insurance provider across Australia and New Zealand, serving 1.5 million members across the Tasman. nib New Zealand has seen tremendous growth as it leverages customer experience (CX) data to strengthen the influence of its CX program across the business. Teaming up with MaritzCX, an pearl-plaza.rupany, nib New Zealand underwent a total CX overhaul from the ground up. Download this case study to see nib’s top tips for embedding a successful experience management program.

Learn how this insurance company:

  • Shifted its culture to be customer-obsessed
  • Reduced customer churn by 6%
  • Created new organisational processes for closing the inner and the outer loop

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