What is the Voice of the Employee (VoE)?

Voice of the Employee is the process of gathering and analysing employee feedback to improve the customer experience.

Voice of the Employee

Today, more than ever, companies must attract and retain top talent to stay competitive. Voice of the Employee (VoE) programs and Voice of the Employee Software play a key role in those efforts—by making it possible to systematically collect, manage, and act on feedback and input from employees on a variety of subjects. For example, most successful VoE programs collect job engagement and satisfaction data, ideas for improving internal programs and processes, suggestions for improving products and services, and more.

VoE programs typically use a variety of methods to collect and analyse data from employees, including surveys, group studies, management reviews, and focus groups. Then, they have tools in place to analyse input from employees and convert it into relevant, actionable insights that management can use to boost employee engagement, increase productivity, and improve profits.

Why is Voice of the Employee important?

Voice of the Employee

Studies clearly show that happy employees translate directly into more loyal, satisfied customers and increased revenue. VoE measures employee engagement, which shows how motivated, involved, and productive your employees are. These factors, in turn, directly impact employee turnover rates, product and service quality, customer loyalty, and overall profitability.

A 2008 Harvard Business Review article establishes a clear “Service-Profit Chain” that directly connects employee engagement to business value, customer loyalty, and ultimately business profitability and growth:


Better CX Begins with Employees

Where Voice of Customer, Employee Engagement, and Voice of Employee Intersect

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Building a complete, effective VoE solution with Pearl-Plaza

Pearl-Plaza is ready to apply all the advantages of a powerful, complete, and flexible customer experience (CX) technology platform to the needs of your VoE program. This allows you to:

  • Use multiple methods and channels—including online feedback forms, specialised surveys, social media, and more—to accurately measure employee loyalty, performance, satisfaction, and engagement.
  • Quickly implement best practice VoE tactics and techniques across your entire organisation.
  • Understand what is motivating or bothering employees in real time, get that information to the right people, and then take quick, effective action.
  • Strengthen and expand the connections between employee engagement and business results.

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