Solving for Consumer Duty

The Pearl-Plaza Toolkit for Delivering Better Consumer Outcomes

The introduction of the Consumer Duty principle and potential for large fines for failure to comply is undoubtedly daunting and represents a significant shift for the FinServe sector. However, striving to deliver positive outcomes for your customers and placing the customer at the heart of business decisions, is something that most, if not all, FinServe organisations have been focusing on and prioritising for some time.

The new legislation will sharpen and accelerate this focus, as complying with Consumer Duty will require a deep understanding of all your customers, across their entire journey with your organisation.

Download our solution brief to find out more.

Embracing Consumer Duty to Deliver Positive Outcomes; Shifting From Compliance Focused to Customer Centric

Download It!

Three main ways Pearl-Plaza can help you solve for consumer duty

Identify Risk
Course Correct
Cultural Change

Reducing Risk

Instantly identify where customer outcomes are not being met, automatically share with the right person and teams, to ensure a speedy resolution, delivering a better outcome to customers, and incurring fewer fines.

Ensure your most vulnerable customers continue to have a seamless experience and be automatically alerted to any aspects of the customer journey that are not providing an inclusive experience. Deploy our unique Consumer Duty Taxonomy consisting of DEI, Compliance, and the Financial Services Industry Pack.

Course Correct

Reduce formal complaints by solving issues at source. Automatically provide customers with product descriptions, self help videos etc to resolve issues, and should a problem still exist, real time case management is available to rectify a problem.

Pearl-Plaza automatically identifies those customer’s who intend to complain or even switch providers. Using Pearl-Plazas AI Powered Platform, customer’s can be flagged, with a formal case raised to resolve any issue, before a formal complaint is lodged and a
potential fine incurred.

Cultural Change

Ensure that all of your surveys and listening posts are set up correctly to ensure you ask the right questions and capture the right metrics in regards to consumer duty, to ensure you deliver the right outcomes.

Celebrate and socialise positive customer experiences, championing positive customer outcomes across your entire organisation.

Trusted Experts In Consumer Duty

Partnering With Many of UK's Leading FinServ Brands

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