
Enhance the Value of Your CX Program With Video

Today, customers live in a world where choice is common, and generally, customers expect to have multiple options available to them when it comes to giving feedback.

The Pearl-Plaza and Voxpopme partnership gives customers the choice to give their feedback via video which is pulled into the XI Platform alongside other traditional feedback methods: text surveys, chat, social media etc. Using video for customer feedback not only helps companies see, feel, and hear the full story right from their customers’ mouths, but it resonates across the organization and especially in the boardroom allowing customers the ability to give feedback in a way that is easy for them.

The Power of Video For Customer Feedback

Capture: Bring the Customer Voice to Life

Embed video questions within your current surveys where video will make the most impact. Get more personal feedback that brings together sentiment and tells the story of what your customer is experiencing by seeing and hearing them share their experience. Use cases: Attach a video to a support ticket, add a video to a transactional survey, create a showreel of detractor comments to drive action, and share fan videos to celebrate success.

Analyze: Faster, Richer Feedback

Gather and analyze 100s of videos with the ability for automated sentiment and facial and emotional analysis which makes discovering key customer intelligence faster, and easier. Quickly identify key trends and dive deeper into issues on a regular basis. Use cases: Use findings to save at risk customers, reduce support costs, identify CX score anomalies, and bring to life customer pain points.

Share: Useful Powerful Stories

Seeing and hearing from customers is a powerful way to understand what they are feeling and thinking and can drive empathy and better business decisions throughout your organization. Use videos to encourage employees and leadership to take action as videos are memorable and can encourage change at an emotional level. Use cases: Leverage a C-Suite app for executives, quickly create weekly highlight reels, and showcase dynamic videos on your Intranet.

Pearl-Plaza has partnered with Voxpopme to provide a way for businesses to gather video feedback to see, hear, and feel the emotions behind their customers’ experiences to drive action and ultimately better business results tied to ROI. 

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